Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Here's Yer Sign...

I got the chance to do some shopping for electronics today picking up some equipment for a couple of new hires at work. I enjoy shopping for electronics, especially when I get to do it on the company credit card. I was in one of the London Drugs in Calgary looking for a portable printer. It was the middle of the afternoon, so the computer department was relatively slow. There were two staff in computers at the time, one a seasoned vet and the other a new trainee. The new staff was following the other staff around the department like a lost puppy. I had to chuckle a bit to myself because I remember well my own days as a green trainee following Scott Bogdan around the Lethbridge London Drugs computer department...

Anyhow, I made the mistake of asking the poor greenie if the HP 100 was the replacement for the 470. He looked at me in a small panic before checking with the seasoned veteran. I put the two printer boxes on the counter so he could ring them in (after he figured out what to scan). As he's ringing them up he asked, "What are you going to use them for?"

What I actually said was, "for mobile printing". What I was thinking was, "I thought I'd try them out as planters for the front porch."

Runners-up included:
"I'm not going to use the printers, I just need the boxes."
"I'm doing some work on my car and need something to block the tires."
"My table is wobbly and these are just the right height to straighten it out."

If I had asked that question during my training, I'm fairly sure Scott would've smacked me. "They're printers, what do you think he's going to use them for?"

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