Monday, October 15, 2007

Still proud...

Dad & Sandy took Trevor & Terina to Home Depot on Saturday to pick up a few things. On their way in, Trevor "used the Force" to open the automatic doors... (the Obiwan slide-your-two-fingers-through-the-air-causing-the-doors-to-slide-open trick). Grandma Sandy and Rina headed off to look at something, so Grandpa Kim tells Trevor to go with him. Trevor's response? "Roger that, Rogue leader! We're going in..."

Dawn was hunched over the counter crying after we heard the story. Something about, "why me?" It was hard to make out what she was saying amidst the tears and uncontrolled sobbing. Truth be told, my eyes were a little moist too, but for an entirely different reason...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Makes me proud...

This week would not have been possible without the help of Dad & Sandy and Michael & Jenie watching our kids while Dawn & I have been in Edmonton. There's no way we could have done it without their help, and we are very grateful for the way they jumped in when we needed them. So here's the story (it may not be word-for-word, but the idea is there)...

Grandma Sandy was helping Terina, the 6-yr-old, get her school bag together and asked her what her mom usually gives her for snack. Terina replied, "Banana peels."

"So, I can eat the banana and give you the peel?"

Terina said, "Yes. Sometimes Mom just picks through the garbage and gives me whatever is in there."

So Sandy had an idea, "I could feed the cat and just give you the empty cans."

"Oh, that's good! Mom never thought of doing that!"

There are times when a parent wonders if a child is going to grow up to be normal and well-adjusted. Will they grasp the intricacies of social interaction, or will they end up on the "special" bus to school? And then there are heart-warming experiences like this when personality shines through and you know your little girl is going to do just fine. I just wonder where she gets this from...