Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hello Endorphins, Where Have You Been?

I didn't get around to exercising yesterday, and found myself with some extra adrenalin and pent-up aggression so I decided to do a bit more intensive workout tonight. It turns out, I may need to find reasons to generate some bottled-up rage more often because I found my regular weight settings weren't enough and I ended up moving everything up a few notches. Granted, I will most likely pay for it in the morning, but it felt really good tonight. The frustrations are subdued, for now at least, and I feel great. This is the first time I have noticed the endorphin rush after exercising.

I can't say my results are conclusive after only one trial, but the data suggests there may be a direct correlation between effort put into the workout and the positive feelings afterwards. If my findings are consistent after a few more trials, I could be on to something here. Just think what something like this could do for the fitness industry!

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