Saturday, October 8, 2011

6 Weeks Later

I made it! I finished my 6-week kettlebell program, the first time in my life I've ever done a 6-week anything program. Feels good  :)

Over the past six weeks, I moved up from the 12kg to the 16kg kettlebell (and could probably almost move up to the 20kg bell in some areas), lost 1/2" on my waist, gained 1/2" on my chest and arms, and lost 0.8lbs.

What worked:
-Having a target each week for the workouts, even if they sometimes seem designed to kill me.
-Daily reporting & accountability
-Learning I can actually workout in the evening. It gives me time to talk myself back into exercising, when I wake up in the morning I don't often feel like working out.

What am I going to change for the next round?
-For tracking purposes, I'm going to work on 4-week increments rather than 6-weeks. It's easier to fit everything in on paper...
-Add more cardio exercise to the routine. I need to spend more quality time with the treadmill or the exercise bike on my "off days"
-Do more of what Jesse calls "complexes". Not sure how I'm going to fit those in just yet, but I'll work on it. I need to have more of the "praying for death" exercise days
-Be more conscious about what I eat. Let's face it, I'm never going to be a health-food nut. Part of my motivation to exercise is to allow me the joys of indulging in my love of ice cream without any of the associated guilt. But I don't have to make that a meal, if I keep it as a dessert where it belongs I don't see a problem. I can make healthier choices for meals, but the train isn't going to jump the track if I occasionally grab a less-than-healthy meal on the road.

What I've noticed in myself:
-I'm generally in a better mood
-My recovery time from my quarterly cold/sinus congestion has decreased significantly
-I have to say I've noticed my food cravings have started to change, I don't always default to the burgers any more. I'm trying to drink juice more often than I drink pop. I'm not going to say I'm not going to drink pop any more because I'm not ready for that step, but I am consciously cutting back.
-There is a noticeable difference when I do things like help people move. Hauling freezers and couches is a bit easier than it used to be.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Lego to build :)

1 comment:

Barb said...

Small consistent changes that is what it is all about, I am ridiculously proud of you.