Monday, July 11, 2011

Me? A Hoarder??

Dawn went down to Great Falls on Saturday for her monthly/bi-monthly grocery excursion. While she was gone, I had a moment of self-discovery. She will often send me text messages as she goes through the various stores to see if I want anything (usually cool Oreo flavors we don't get up here). As I was going through my inventory on-hand, I came to a startling realization:

I hoard food.

Not just any food, but junk food and treats. I have six different packs of Oreos stashed away (as well as Bugles, various Reese chocolate...). I have to have two packs of the same flavor before I'll let myself open one, especially if it's one I haven't tried before. I found a second bag of chocolate-covered peanut butter Oreos and was excited because that meant I could open it. I have had unopened packs go soggy because they have been in storage for so long. I have a bag of orange creamsicle Oreos I won't let myself open because if they're really good (as I suspect they are), then I can't get any more until someone goes down to the States again. And what if they're just a limited time offer and not even available down there anymore? The harder it is to get, the more likely I am to stash it.

At work, someone brought back a jar of really good hard candy from England and it sat on my desk for months. Not because they weren't delicious, but because I couldn't get more. Eventually, other people in the office helped me, or rather themselves.

This could also explain why I need to have ice cream on-hand at all times. Granted, it's not really hard to come by... unless you're trying to get some in Raymond at 11:00 at night.

I should've stayed in Psychology...

1 comment:

Barb said...

I feel your pain, my suggestion, no joking throw it all away it is surprising "freeing"! I promise. You wouldn't believe how much brain power it takes to be worried about your next fix. I had way to much fun with your sweetheart yesterday thanks for the loan!