Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Challenge

Krista phoned this morning to tell me she had a "copy" of the Non-Runners book, Dawn ordered ours a couple of days ago (it may be at the post office now, I didn't check yesterday)... I want to commit myself to this whole fitness thing before I realize how much work it will be and want to back out.

Krista and I thought it would be a good idea to get a team going so we could all reinforce each other and keep everyone motivated. I know myself well enough to know that it needs to be more work to keep making excuses to people why I didn't get out and do something than it would've been to just do it in the first place.

I want to commit to this now before I read the book and realize just how much work is involved. I'm going to have to change my diet (or get one in some cases... I don't always eat regularly), more water, less junk. I'm going on record right now saying that if my body starts reacting to dairy products, I'm back on the couch. I'm sorry, but ice cream is just too good to give up...

Anyhow, if you're interested in joining forces, then lets get a support team going. It's always easier when there are people who care encouraging each other...


Krista said...

Jerry came in about 12 pages into my ... ahh ... errr ... "copy" and told me it'd be cheaper to just buy the darn book ;) Looks like I'll be heading to Borders on Monday to pick it up.
I am completely into the idea of us all throwing in and doing this together, especially if in the end we can run one together.
Have you looked at the website for the Idaho marathon? There is also a 5 and 10 K that you could enter this year. You know, just to scope out the course, see what we're into, ect ... just a thought!

Unknown said...

This year may be pushing it a bit, at least for me...

Jenie said...

I am in.....I agree though I will not give up everything tasty, just cut back a little (okay a lot)